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First of all, it is essential that your website is indexed in the search engines in which you want to appear so that they recognize it and show it to users. If your website is not indexed, it will be as if you do not exist.
The content you offer must be of quality and relevant to users. If you copy content from other pages or repeat articles, the search engine will detect it and penalize you. The content must also be well structured: use titles, subtitles, bold, leave white spaces to make the texts easier to digest, etc.

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You must determine keywords for your content and use them so that the search engine understands what you are talking about. For example, if your article is about a tour around the Riviera Maya, a keyword could be “what to visit in the Riviera Maya”. Ideally, you should include your keyword in the title, in the URL of your page, in the meta-description (the text that appears in the search engine results) and in your text, but it is not necessary to repeat the keyword or phrase excessively. You can use synonyms.

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External and internal links are another important element of positioning. Internal links link to other pages on your website, so it will help search engines understand your page and index the content. External links link to other web pages and, strangely enough, help improve your ranking as long as you link to authoritative and relevant pages in your industry. The reason is that the search engine understands that you are offering content of interest.

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Finally, do not forget to add an alternative text to the images of your articles. This will appear if the image fails and also helps to improve your positioning.